Hi Richard,
On 14/10/2013 1:02 p.m., Richard Fischer wrote
Hmm, cool! But I *think* this version for six means
the head ladies just
stay head ladies (switching from top to bottom each time) and you get your
partner back on the fourth time thru, so you only get three of the six opposite
sex dancers as partners.
You are absolutely right. My wife, Liz, was the dancer in that video and she
pointed this out to me.
As mentioned in the youtube comments, I now use a version where the couples
promenade two spots and swing. This prevents this, but with 6 couples, this
each person only get 3 other partners, and gets to dance on 3 spots on the floor.
Levi Jackson Rag (variation) - for 5 or 6 couples
....(3 beat intro, pre cue)...Lines R&L th
H down half way ......Lines R&L th back
H down and sep ...(Lines) Circle 4 once
H home alone .......All dosado your own
(Back to back) ......All LC skip one.
(Courtesy turn this girl)...All LC skip one
(Courtesy turn)...Keep her and prom (2 spots)
Go 2 spots ...........Swing your girl awhile
(Twice round)......New lines R&L th
And I *think* it's true that only for a prime
number of couples can you write a dance
where the choregoraphy is the same each time thru, and each dancer gets to dance in
each position and with each of the other gents or ladies.
I'm not clear exactly what you mean here. In the original Levi Jackson for 5
couples, the
dance has a complete cycle of 5 times thru, during which the men and women will
from each of the 5 spots. Each man (woman) will dance once with each other. However
the original head man will not dance with the other women when he is at his
original spot.
But if you mean at each progression of the dance each person is in a different
position and
has a different partner, then I think you a correct.
Have a look at the papers by Gary Roodman in the section on his web page
Cheers, Bill