Contra Callers January 2011
  • 35 participants
  • 26 discussions

Low Numbers
by Rickey
2 years, 1 month

Re: [Callers] Festival Applications
4 years, 7 months

Recruiting new dancers
by Luke Donev
13 years, 3 months

new or old?
by Bronwyn Woods
13 years, 10 months

Happy as a Warm Pig in Cold Mud
13 years, 11 months

Good grief, yet another cure
by Gary Shapiro
13 years, 11 months

Another Cure for the Claps
by Bob Green
13 years, 11 months

Re: [Callers] Developing a Culture of Inclusiveness. Was: Calling medleys
by Greg McKenzie
13 years, 11 months

Re: [Callers] Calling Medleys for the first time
by John W Gintell
13 years, 11 months

Developing a Culture of Inclusiveness. Was: Calling medleys
by Greg McKenzie
13 years, 11 months
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