From a left-hand balance, a man can lift his left hand
over his head and
lead the woman's left hand onto his right shoulder. Ron
Buchanan taught this
styling at the (lamentably late) Celebration Dance weekend in Indianapolis
in July 2003.
Mange Tak
*By Ron Buchanan*
Improper Contra
Neighbors balance by Left hand & swing
Face across, pass thru to an ocean wave (ladies in middle, *neighbor* in
other hand),
Balance, Allemande Right neighbor ½, men pull by Left, allemande Right
partner ¾
Allemande Left shadow 1x
Swing partner
Face across, pass thru to an ocean wave (ladies in middle, *Partner* in
other hand),
Balance, Allemande Right partner ½, men pull by Left, allemande Right
neighbor ¾ to new neighbor.
(Shadow is on your left diagonal at start of the dance)
And returning to the original idea of figures that use a balance in a
(hands-across) star, here's one of my favorite dances:
Catch a Falling Star *By Melanie Axel-Lute*
Contra - Improper easy-med
(16) Neighbors balance and swing
(8) Circle left 3/4
(8) Partners swing
(8) Long lines go forward and back
(8) Hands across right-hand star
(4) Balance the star
(4) Ladies trade places with a half gypsy,
while the gents turn single left
(8) Hands across left-hand star
*Editor's Notes:*
Turn single left: walk a loop over your left shoulder, ending up where you
started. The term is from English Country dancing.
Jerome Grisanti