While we're on the subject of the Star Promenade move, I want to express an
opinion on the mechanics of the move and ask for feedback.
When I am dancing in the center of the star promenade, I prefer to place my
hand behind the woman's back (as in the courtesy turn) and I prefer her to
place her hand not on the small of my back but rather on my nearest
shoulder. My contention is that this hold is much easier to release,
particularly into a hey or something involving the next neighbor. I think a
secondary benefit is that my shoulder tends to be dryer than the small of my
back, particularly later in the evening, and thus should be more comfortable
for her as well.
When I suggest this to a female partner, I just tell her I find it more
comfortable for me. I don't bother suggesting anything to neighbors, since
the move is brief. And as a caller, I suggest that this placement of hands
gives the woman more power or discretion.
What I want feedback on is this: Does this rationale make sense, or am I
just trying to sell my own personal comfort here?
Jerome Grisanti