Delia --
If it were me, under the conditions you described (one foursome doesn't get it,
everybody else is fine), I wouldn't reset to the beginning.
Get everybody progressed (with a new hands four if necessary),
let the band know you're going to keep going after the second walkthrough and
you'd like them to start playing, do a second walkthrough which flows into the
dance - which, as everybody else says, you call clearly, precisely, and early.
But now you're starting with your pot well-stirred, without having singled
anybody out.
-- Alan
Hi all,
I have been uncertain lately about how to determine when to do an
additional walk-through. Last weekend, for example, at a dance of
mixed experience levels, after doing a teaching walk-through, I could
see that the end of one line really didn't have it, though everyone
else on the floor did. One circle of four ended up in the wrong
places as the dance progressed and it appeared that the others near
them couldn't figure out how to fix it and land them in the correct
spots. I decided to have everyone go back to their original hands
four and walk through it again from there twice through, so it was
obvious where they went next. That made three walk-throughs, which
felt like a lot, but on the other hand seemed preferable to having a
whole line fall apart early on in the dance. I fear that I have been
erring on the side of doing too many, overall, though and I wonder
what you all do to avoid over-teaching, and how you determine when
more is needed and when it isn't. Or is this one of those cases
where less really might be more? Yikes, it feels scary though, to
just stop teaching and hope for the best!
Delia Clark
PO Box 45
Taftsville, VT 05073
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