Hi Richard,
The dance is in Give and Take by Larry Jennings and is as you have it.
He has some notes which I've put against your transcription
Wonderland Al Olson Duple Improper
First woman and second man are designated "leaders" in this dance.
A1 Ones half figure eight down thru the twos; long lines forward and back while sliding
left one person. The "leaders" should now be opposite each other.
(to pt) & bk on slight L diag so each long line moves one step L. (Pts are
on R diag,
act M facing prev N, act W facing N
A2 Leaders turn contra corners; first corner =
First contra corners are always partners. Second corners are one shadow
when you
are active, a different pair when you are not.
B1 All balance and swing partner.
& face N
(on slight R diag)
B2 Right and left thru (or promenade across);
adjusting to be op N
ladies chain.
Cheers, Bill