The following suggestion is not a dance, but rather something that two
couples can do during many contra dances.
Two couples who know each other can line up near each other both heading the
same way (so both can be actives, for example, in an improper contra). Then,
in parts of the dance that allow it, the men or women from these couples can
trade places. For example, during a ladies allemande in the middle of the
set, the men could switch places and end with the "other" partner. The next
time through the sequence, they can shuffle again and end up with their
original partner again. Effects include running into the same neighbor twice
("hey, didn't we just swing?"), missing other neighbors, and irritating the
occasional neighbor or even the caller.
This shuffling is not appropriate for every dance, or with every crowd, but
done properly is does not interrupt the flow of the dance and offers lots of
fun and flirty opportunities for play within the larger play of the dance.
P.S. Your query brought to mind the phrase sometimes used when dancers get
mixed up: "This dance wasn't written as a mixer, but if it becomes one just
go with it."
Hello everyone,
I have a session at the Down East Festival later this month. The name of
my session is "Neighborly Contras". I was wondering if anyone has mixers
that are in contra formation that they could share. I think that a mixer
would be a fun and unexpected.
I would also welcome any suggestions of dances that you think are
particularly Neighborly! 8^)
Chris Weiler
Jerome Grisanti