--- You wrote:
I think Money Musk will be more popular with dancers and responded to more
enthusiastically if it's done as triplets, 6X through rather than longways sets
- unless the sets are shorter
than they usually are at Greenfield.
--- end of quote ---
Good points, Will. In Norwich, we had folks form sets of 7 or 8 couples, so
everyone was able to be an active couple for at least a few rounds of the dance.
(Greenfield dancers, as you know, are generally less willing to heed such
requests from the caller.)
I've also called it (and other triple minors) in four-couple longways sets, in
the manner of many Scottish country dances. Do it twice and then the 1s drop to
the bottom of the set. Eight times through and everyone has has two chances to
play each role, plus the couple at the top waits out only once rather than
David Millstone
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