Thanks, Andy, for the summary. The same is true of teaching - there is the immediate
content which a caller/teacher/presenter must know intimately. And then there are the
overall presentation skills that allow a leader to lead students through various patterns
with fair ease. Both skills are essential to success in whatever arena - and there is
always room to improve both sides of the equation.
-----Original Message-----
From: callers-bounces(a) [] On Behalf
Of Andy Shore
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 1:06 PM
To: Caller's discussion list
Subject: [Callers] practice vs. preparation
While sitting in the Atlanta airport waiting for my delayed flight home from the wonderful
"Catapult! Showcase" contra weekend, I was musing on various observations and
lessons learned watching, listening and dancing to the various callers and bands featured
at the event. In addition to being a contra caller for about 6 years, I've been a
MWSD caller and teacher for 23 years and have done some caller coaching and mentoring and
been on the staff of several MWSD caller schools. The caller coach part of me never really
takes a break and I'm always looking for interesting ways to explain and impart the
many skills and techniques that callers and teachers need to master.
On my flight I started listening to one of my favorite podcast series - The Tobolowsky
Files - by actor Stephen Tobolowsky (here's his page on IMDB - think Ned Ryerson in Groundhog Day - bing!). He
tells wonderful stories about his life. I happened to listen to Episode 55 "The True
Arena" where he talks about the difference between practice and preparation and the
importance of each. He talked about them in the context of his former hobby of equestrian
sports and dressage as well as in acting, but his observations apply to any performance
We can all practice certain aspects of contra calling: learning a new dance, metering out
words in different ways, trying dances with different kinds of tunes, etc. Preparation is
something different and includes things like programming (what dances will I call, what
alternates should I have ready?) What will the hall, band and acoustics be like? What will
the "floor level" of the dancers be? Do I have any idiosyncrasies in my own
style or choice of words that my local dancers are used to but might be issues with a more
varied crowd? How did the previous caller fair and were there any pitfalls or problems in
that session that I can learn from or avoid? What dances have been called thus-far and
should I avoid ones that are too similar (e.g., there were LOTS of dances with
"balance the ring, california twirl" progressions called this weekend.)
There's lots to add to this list. Give the podcast a listen and tell me what you
Stephen makes the distinction at around the 8:20 mark and he puts it far better than I
ever could.
You can find "The Tobolowsky Files" podcasts at… or or
iTunes link for Ep #55
Note also that Episode #10 starts with a wonderful old square dance recording.
Andy Shore
Callers mailing list