Oh dear... can't say that I'm surprised, though. Some dancers have a VERY set
idea of what they want to encounter on the dance floor.
At my home dance, where I'm basically on every month, folks coming know that
there may be an occasional oddball dance of that sort. We always do Sweets of
May in May, and Northern Lights in February, and Dudley's ribbon dance at the
December dance, and a few others like that. And I've been known to throw in a
dance for five people, or six couples, or seven dancers, but ever so
For what it's worth, at a Pourparler gathering a few years ago-- PP is a loose
association of folks who do dance work (Anglo-American and/or international
folk) in schools or community settings, and includes folks who do a lot of one
night stands-- we each made a list of our ten favorite, never-fail dances,
guaranteed to please a crowd. There were maybe 40 of us involved in this
activity, and Sasha was the only dance that appeared on every single list.
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