I think a faster tempo is fine if most of your
dancers are familiar with contra corners.
For a crowd with more beginners, I'd recommend
McQuillen tempo, which if played with an emphasis on the downbeat, is
quite enjoyable (and leads to much better dance form, IMHO).
I'd refrain from using the word "slow"
to describe the desired
tempo to the band, though. Measured? Moderate?
It still has to have some lift to it.
If I were to talking to English country dance musicians (who are used to
our poetic characterizations) I might call it a jaunty stroll.
-- Alan
Disclaimer: I speak only for myself, not SLAC or SSRL Phone: 650/926-3056
Paper mail to: SSRL -- SLAC BIN 99, 2575 Sand Hill Rd, Menlo Park CA 94025