Thanks. I understand the concerns on timing wrapping back around to the A1
Petronella. I wonder, would music on the slower side just make folks move
slower overall and be just as late?
Just for the interest of the discussion, below is another of my double
cross-trail concept dances which avoids this issue by (like for Sue's
dance) ending both cross-trails in a swing. This was actually the prior
composition (but never danced). I paused it to try for something with both
cross-trails being in the "conventional" (contra) starting across-set use
and with less "complication" to suit wider applicability. That dance became
Dirty Rotten...
*Veino_Draft_20140721 Rev 2* - Duple Improper (Intermediate/Advanced:
unusual figure orientation, end effects)
[in case of further discussion, let's provisionally call this "Diagonally
*A1*(4) Cross-Trail (Pass current N (N1) Right up/down the set, Pass P Left
(12) N1 Swing (on Gent's away side)
(8) Left Diagonal Ladies Chain (to Shadow)
(4) Ring Balance (use connection to boost into...)
(4) Cross Trail (pass N2 by right across, pass Shadow by left up/down to
face P).
(4,12) P Balance, Swing (on G's home side, opposite N2)
OR simply (16) P Swing?
(8) Circle Left (1x)
(4,4) Balance Ring, Petronella 1 place to face up/down, and with THIS
*End effects*: Never out. Wait out on left diagonal for chain, then crossed
over with shadow for P Balance and Swing. Others?
Probably goes without saying to most of you but in both dances the ring
balances are intended to help with set re-alignment/recovery in the absence
of long lines/waves. Yep, square through vs. cross-trail is an option and a
matter of taste and accessibility (are the rings important, does
"handedness" matter in this flow?).
On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 11:51 PM, Andrea Nettleton via Callers <
callers(a)> wrote:
The timing of the cross trail here is not dissimilar
to that in Joel's in
the Kitchen by Sue Rosen, (to give an example of a x trail where you pass
across, pass up and down to the next) where you Bal, X trail, (8), then Sw
a new N (8). Because it's a Sw, there is some fudging. If one is late,
you can shorten the swing. Getting into a ring for a petronella is another
kettle of fish. I agree that a square through, using hands to propel you,
might make it likelier to succeed. Either way, the music had better not be
burning fast. The dance still looks fun, Don!
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{snipped - DonV}
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