On 2019-05-14 1:28 a.m., Alexandra Deis-Lauby via Callers wrote:
Kamryn Wisner and I wrote a dance!
Does it exist?
“Techno fix” by Kamryn Wisner and Alexandra Deis-Lauby
A1 N b and swing
A2 Mad robin, Larks allemande left 1.5
B1 Partner b and s
B2 Circle 3/4 balance ring, CA twirl
It's almost the same as "Playground Improvement" by Mark Goodwin:
which has a ricochet hey 1/2 where you have larks allemande L 1.5.
More generally, there are several dances of the form:
A1 N b+sw
A2 (16 counts whose net effect is gents cross the set)
B1 P b+sw
B2 circle 3/4; balance ring; P cal twirl.