Somehow you're other message got deleted, so I'll reply to this one
instead. I'm glad that you've been getting some good calling in. I
know that you had been frustrated with how little you were getting to
call last time I heard from you. Until really recently, I had been
mostly aiming for about a dance a month. That was about right as far
as weekends away from home went. Then I realized that if I booked 2-3
dances in one weekend, I could get twice or three times the number of
dances in, with the same number of weekends away from home. The
apparently I went a little crazy. This is my schedule starting
6/23 - Winston Salem, NC w/ Big Home Band
6/27 - Roanoke, VA w/ Root 2
7/10 - Carrboro, NC w/ Gypsy Meltdown
7/11 - Greensboro, NC w/ Gypsy Meltdown
7/12 - River Falls Lodge - Special Afternoon Dance - w/ Gypsy Meltdown
7/13 - Asheville, NC (Grey Eagle) w/ Gypsy Meltdown
7/26 - Brattleboro, VT w/ Anadama
7/28 - MIT Contra Dance, Cambridge, MA w/ Nor'easter
7/31 - BIDA Contra Dance, Cambridge, MA
8/1 - 8/8 - Pinewoods - American Music and Dance Week, attending Kathy
Anderson's Square Dance Callers' Workshop
8/13 - Rochester, NY w/ Nor'easter
8/14 - Ithaca, NY w/ Nor'easter
8/15 - Buffalo, NY w/ Nor'easter
8/16 - Owego, NY w/ Nor'easter
8/17 - Concord Scout House, Concord, MA w/ Nor'easter
That's 14 dances, in 6 states, plus a week at pinewoods in just under 2
months. That's more than I've called most years. I've really enjoyed
getting to work with one band for multiple gigs. I've done that twice
before....three gigs last August with the Avant Gardeners, and then the
mini tour I did with Gypsy Meltdown in April up in Virginia.
I've been feeling a bit scattershot as far as real work goes....need to
get myself better organized about getting in touch with
folks....working on that. Week before last, though, I did 1500 miles
worth of driving....out to do a training, and then an install on the
way home, then out for three more demos in the next two days -- all
more than 2 hours from home (though at least one pair were both in the
same direction). Then last week, I didn't travel for work at all.
Really need to manage to spread things out. My goal is to do 2-3 days
of traveling and have 2-3 days in the office each week. I'm working on
What work are you doing out in Detroit that keeps you living out of a
hotel? I hope that you at least get some sort of travel allowance.
Another possible get together is that Lark is trying to get a group of
folks together to go to the Stratford Shakespeare Festival the week of
August 10th -- the week after Pinewoods (the beginning of the week that
will end with our tour Thurs-Monday.) We'd be looking at going to
plays Tuesday or Wednesday or both. There's probably a group coming
over from Ann Arbor.
It would be great to see you this summer if we can work it out.
Take care,
At 07:01 PM 6/14/2009, you wrote:
Last night I called the dance Bronwyn Woods wrote and called at
Callers week "Hortensia's Cravat". It was a nice memory. The dance
community enjoyed it. It brought back fond memories of our night on
the floor.
Laurie Pietravalle
Callers mailing list