Dear Deb,
It is such fun to be on the list, and every now and again see a post
such as yours!
I am happy to send the dance to you.....which is based on Al Olson's
Devil's Duty. How did you hear about it? Hope you have fun calling/
using it!
warmly, Linda
Devil's Dervish
by Linda Leslie orig. Al Olson
Four Face Four/Improper
A1 Lines of four Forward and Back
Opposite allemande right once and three-quarters
Pull by this opposite to start:
A2 Half hey for eight!
B1 Same Opposite Balance and Swing (face across)
B2 Ring Balance*
Circle left one-half
Partner Swing
* If preferred, you can leave out the ring balance, for a longer
partner swing. However, I rather like the Balance.
I am looking for a dance, "Devil's
Dervish" by Linda Leslie. Can
help me out? Thanks!
Deb Comly
Callers mailing list
End of Callers Digest, Vol 63, Issue 10