Anyone have a tempest formation dance they can share with me?
I've found one, called The Tempest, but other than the formation itself,
there's nothing particularly challenging about it.
I think "The Tempest" is the only tempest formation dance I've ever danced,
and that was many years ago.
Carol Ormand has written some fun Mescolanza (4 facing 4) dancing that might
fill a similar program slot. There's one at her website:
and three more in her "The Lizard Research Institute & other dances" book.
Although I'm guessing if you'd wanted Mescolanza, you'd have said
The sewing project I had planned on doing tonight is going poorly, so I
thought I might take a stab at writing a tempest formation dance instead of
futzing with that. This has not been tested with dancers. This is at the
doodles on paper stage, but I'll toss it out to the list (and fb) for
feedback and discussion. I will say there's a little more challenge to this
one than just the formation...
Plate o' Spaghetti
Tempest Formation
(wide n shape, two sets of 1s facing down in the middle, two 2s on the sides
facing in)
(4) all walk forward 4 steps (ladies in front of gents), in foursomes on the
sides, turn in to take hands in a diamond (2s at top and bottom, 1s on
(4) balance diamond
(4) twirl one place to the right, all reach in left hands (no clap!)
(4) left hand star 5/8ths
(4) center four (the two inactive gents, one active lady, and the active
gent that isn't her partner) right hand star 1/2 while the couples on the
sides allemande left 1/2
(4) in fours on the sides, left hand star 1/2
(4) center four (inactive ladies, the other active lady, and the active gent
who isn't her partner) right hand star 1/2 while the couples on the sides
allemande left 1/2
(4) in fours on sides, left hand star 1/2
(6~8) 1s drop out of star, 2s allemande partner left to neighbor (for one
couple this is 1x, for the other couple it's 1&1/2
(10~8) neighbor swing on the side of your foursome (there are four couples
swinging in a line across the set at this point, not in a square formation)
end facing across at partner (the inner couples face out, the outside
couples face in).
(8) Gents allemande left 1 & 1/2
(8) Partner swing. 2s adjust up-set a bit and end facing across (below new
1s). 1s end facing down.
Overall, I think it would need a fair bit of space (swinging four abreast),
but the dancers have to stay close enough to make the star transitions work
in A2 (which are pretty fast). I'm not terribly enamored with a balance in
A1, but it serves as a moment to regroup after the interdigitated walk
forward, and it's kind of fun to do a petronella in a diamond instead of a
If I can track down volunteers in the area, I'll try to walk it through
during a break or such. I'll let folks know if I discover anything (although
I might take the discussion to a facebook thread).
Anyway, I look forward to seeing what other Tempest formation dances turn
up. Take care.