On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 10:24 AM, JoLaine
<jolaine(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> I am calling a dance this Friday night for a small town in Florida that is
> trying to start a contra dance series in their community hall. I have
> several ONS-type dances that I use for weddings, but what I don't have is
> very very easy dances for low numbers. This is their first event so we
> could see 5 or 6 people. I need to make sure they have fun or it will be
> the end of their dreams of a contra community! I've looked at Ted's
> Triplets, but they are too complex for a group that has never contra danced
> before. What are suggestions for ultra easy ONS-type dances that would
> also work for very low numbers?
> JoLaine
Another enthusiastic vote for Ted's Triplet #3.
Also, "David (Smukler's) Triplet #4".
Or try the "Margate Hoy" (three-couple set
If you have a crowd that's expecting contra dances, how well is something like
a goofy three-around-three one-night-stand dance going to go over? (That
sounds like a leading question, but I'm really asking it. I know a million
small-set bouncy/skippy one-night-stand dances, but I didn't even think about
those when I faced my teeny crowd a couple of weeks ago, because I didn't think
they'd read like contra-dancing and because I'm primarily identified as an
English caller, I worry about seeming to take things too far afield.)
A favorite of mine for ONS situations (five couples):
UP THE SIDES AND DOWN THE MIDDLE (CDM, own tune or any bright jig)
[_Serpentiner_ is very, very nice with this.]
Long set for four to six couples.
A1: Step-swing balance in lines twice; cross over with polka step.
A2: Repeat to places
B1: (Reel time) 1s down the middle (walking, 8 bars) while 2s lead a single
cast (polka step) down, then up through the 1s moving arch.
B2: Swing partners.
(Repeat until 1s at top again).
Falling Masonry
Easy, ceilidh
4-couple longways; 32-bar jigs.
A1: Hands in lines, forward and back, drop hands, cross over, stay facing out.
(Variants possible here with arching).
A2: Hands in lines, backward into the set (touching glutes optional), forward,
drop hands, cross backward (same shoulder) into original lines.
B1: "Falling Masonry" figure (like a collapsing chimney):
Tops gallop down while everyone else moves up (important);
new tops the same, until all four have galloped down.
(A new couple starts every two bars).
B2: 1s to the bottom again, others move up, all swing when you arrive
in progressed place.
(From Jonathan Coxhead's calling and my memory.)
Fun, easy dance.
(Got it from Jonathan Coxhead - Easy, Ceilidh)
three-couple longways. 1x= 3x32 bar jigs.
("Fair Jenny's Jig" rocks with this dance)
A1:1-4: M1 sets to W2, W3, W2, W3
5-8: Those three circle left and right; M1 finishes at home
A2: -- The same led by W1 with M2 and M3.
B1: 1-4: 1s gallop down
5-8: 1s gallop back
B2: 1s cast off to bottom place (skipping?), swing when they get there
2s and 3s right hand star, left hands back, all four drifting up to
top place.
Leaving of Liverpool
(3 couple LW - 4/4 G - but you can do it with four couples)
Written by David Carpenter
A1 Lines F&B
Gate middles up
A2 Lines F&B
Gate middles down
B1 Slip L; Slip R
B2 Top couple cross, go below 2's, cross again, go outside below 3's (and
others move up)
These are just fine for dancers with no particular expectations. If they're
expecting swings, contra dance, or complete symmetry, then not so much.
-- Alan
Disclaimer: I speak only for myself, not SLAC or SSRL Phone: 650/926-3056
Paper mail to: SSRL -- SLAC BIN 99, 2575 Sand Hill Rd, Menlo Park CA 94025