I call regularly for dances with large proportions of first/second-time dancers.
When I'm teaching the figure, I usually say something like "as in
petronella" or "figure that comes from the chestnut/old dance petronella".
In your foursome, take hands in a ring, and all together, balance the ring. Then I tell
them they are going to 'move' to the right one place. They can do this by
stepping or by spinning. If they spin, they do it over their right shoulder. Usually
demonstrate this, either myself from the stage or with a foursome on the floor.
When I'm prompting during the dance, I tend to use variations of 'move' to the
right. Sometimes 'spin,' depending on the crowd.
I got this idea of using the word 'move' from some other caller. No idea now who
it was. (Please speak up if it was you!)
I like it because it explicitly gives people the option to avoid/skip the
potentially-disorienting spin. (For newbies, it can be confusing enough just remembering
their destination.)
I find it is a very popular figure. Of all the requests I have ever fielded, a large
proportion are "Can you call a dance tonight that has petronellas/petronella balance
& spin?" (Clap clap!)
Chrissy Fowler
Belfast, ME
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