I have a different take on going gender free. My application is with a
really gender imbalanced homeschool group. Little kids don't get being
called ladies and gents anyway. When the kids pair off I have them pick
whether they are a righty or lefty, the only instruction associated with
that assignment is that they end their swings standing on the right if they
are righties, left for lefties. After that, there is a large subset of the
contra moves that are gender free calls. Any move with your partner or
neighbor, circles, stars petranella's, square thru's are all without
gender reference.
A couple of easy examples I like
Promenade with Everyone improper
A1 Neighbor Do si Do
Neighbor swing
A2 Promenade across the set
Right hand star 3
B1Partner do si do
Partner swing
B2 Promenade across
Circle left 3, pass thru up and down
Stars of Fredericktown improper
A1Star left
Star right
A2Neighbor do si do
Neighbor swing
B1Balance in a circle and petranella twirl
Partner swing
B2Circle left 3
Neighbor allemande right 1 1/2
Jim Hemphill
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