Hi all- an encouraging update on Monday from Bob's daughter Sarah...
Update on my dad (Bob Green):
He has been making small steps of improvement each day. He was awake and
alert most of the day today. He knows where he is at although he did
communicate to the OT today that he wishes he was at the grocery store.
What can I say, he loves Trader Joe's. His lungs continue to need a lot of
support and his muscles are very weak. Now that he is awake and alert, he
is trying to communicate more. I can usually guess what he is trying to
mouth but it can be frustrating when I can't figure it out. Our project
this week will be to build a better communication system for him.
-For the latecomers, Bob is a St. Louis caller, and writer of contra and
English dances, who had a bad auto accident a month ago.
Keith Tuxhorn
Springfield IL
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