A small request for choreographers: I really like dancing Petronella (the dance) (and its
close relatives) to its own tunes (either Petronella or Green Mountain Petronella). The A
part of the tune goes with the sequence of four balance-and-spin moves, and some of us
really like dancing the eponymous turns to the ‘right’ part of the tune. When I am
calling a dance like Salmonella Evening, with a series of Petronella turns in the B part,
and when I can get the band to play the Petronella tune(s), I have the dancers wait
through the A part of the tune and start dancing with the B part of the tune. That way
the Petronella turns have the right music. I like it when dances are written with the
Petronella turns starting in A1, so that that workaround is not needed.
Sign me, “Old Fogey”.
Richard Hopkins
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