To Have & To Hold by Don Flaherty Becket R (CCW)
A-1 LL F&B
Ladies Chain R Diagonal (those who can)
A-2 Pass Thru (across set) & Swing
B-1 Circle L 1X
Gents Al R 1X
B-2 Gent 2 Al L 1/2, Gent 3 Al R 1/2
Original has the 3 Allemandes happening all in second half of B-1. It's
your choice, really (tempo, crowd, etc.)
Notes: after Circle L, I have men step into long wavy line in center
(teaching purposes only). Identify Gent 1 in R hand, Gent 2 in L hand, and
P is on L Diagonal (gents destination). Drop L hands and start Al R.
Double progression (thank you David Smuckler & Chris Weiler for getting me
straight on this), so men at ends need to be ready to do 2 of the 3
Allemandes. Lady will be where P needs to get to for Swing, in case of end
of line confusion.
Was informed that at the end of the Circle, Gents need to give Ladies room
(to get out of the way) before Gents go into Allemande "frenzy".
I like to Becket R (in spite of some council saying it doesn't matter) to
help give dancers a little directional aid, as the dance *progresses to
the R*.
PS If I am ever at a dance you are calling, I would be greatly
appreciative to have this one called.
PPS Thank you ever so much, Donna Hunt, for your wonderful generosity in
handing this to me in my early days. I still love it.