Dear Marguerite,
Congratulations! I hope you have a wonderful evening....I am sure you
will do a great job!
Your program is a well conceived combination of dances with lots of
variation, balance/smooth alternations, and moves which are not
repeated too often. Great job! You obviously spent a lot of time
putting it together. Since you quite clearly would like some feedback,
I would like to offer the following thoughts:
I rarely end the first half with a partner only swing. My preference
is to put a partner-only swing dance somewhere in the middle of the
dance half (this would also be true of your second half-see next
comment). This plan has the advantage, especially when it is hot, of
giving the dancers somewhat of a break from a lot of swinging. Since
they will be having a break after the 6th dance, having them dance an
energetic dance as the last dance before the breat certainly would be
acceptable! Maybe a switch of dance #4 and #6 would do the trick. But
this is a minor point!
For the same reason, I would but Good Friday in as the second or even
third dance of the second half.
Sarah's Journey has a very high "piece count"; it may be that a dance
with longer count moves, such as a hey dance, might work better, and
not be so tiring.
And finally, a point about Give and Take: as taught by Larry
Jennings, the give and take portion should be only 4 beats: 2 beats to
move toward partner, 2 counts to return home with partner, and 12
beats for the swing. The move has morphed into the more leisurely
timing, but purists use Larry's timing.
Please keep us posted after the dance!
My warmest wishes for a great first complete dance calling evening!
Linda Leslie
On Jul 14, 2010, at 8:08 PM, Marguerite Durant wrote:
Hello everyone,
Thanks to Bob Isaacs, I'm calling my first full evening this weekend
at Swingin'
Tern in New Jersey. It's my home dance so I have a good idea of the
ability, but it will be hot and humid. I plan on running dances
shorter with
longer water breaks.
Here's the preliminary program, with alternate dances I'm
comfortable with
listed at the bottom. Please give me feedback!
SPRING FEVER Tony Parkes dup imp
A1 8 Long lines
8Neighbor swing
A2 8 Gents alle L 1 ½
8 Partner swing
B1 8 Circle L
8 Star L
B2 8 Partner promenade across
8 Ladies chain to neighbor
BUTTER Gene Hubert Becket
A1 8 L diagonal circle L ¾
8 Neighbor swing
A2 8 Long lines
8 Ladies chain to partner
B1 16 Hey (LR, NL, GR, PL
B2 4, 12 Partner balance, swing
Joe DePaolo, guest caller
THE NICE COMBINATION Gene Hubert dup imp
A1 4, 12 Neighbor balance, swing
A2 8 Down the hall, turn as couples
8 Up the hall, bend line
B1 6 Circle L ¾
10 Partner swing
B2 8 Ladies chain to neighbor
8 Star L
FRIDAY NIGHT FEVER Tony Parkes dup imp
A1 4, 12 Neighbor balance, swing
A2 8 Gents alle L 1 ½
8 Partner swing
B1 8 Partner promenade across
8 Ladies chain to neighbor, give R to partner
B2 4, 4 Square through two: partner balance, pull by R, Neighbor
pull by L
4, 4 Partner balance, pull by R, Neighbor pull by L
THE EYES HAVE IT Becky Hill Becket L
A1 8 Circle L, slide L
8 Ladies chain across to new neighbor
A2 8 Mad Robin: Ladies in front, gents in front
8 Half hey (LR, PL, GR)
B1 4, 12 Neighbor balance, swing
B2 8 Gents alle L 1 ½
8 Partner swing
ELLEN'S YARNS Rick Mohr Becket
A1 8 R&L through
8 L hand star
A2 8 Ladies chain on R diagonal*
8 Ladies chain across to shadow
B1 4,4 Balance ring, Petronella
4,4 Balance ring, Petronella, find partner
B2 4,12 Partner balance, swing
- - - - - - - - -
GOOD FRIDAY Kirston Koths dup imp, wave 4 Ladies L in middle, NR
A1 4,4 Balance R, L, slide R
4,4 Balance L, R, slide L
A2 2,2 Neighbor alle R ½, gents pull by L
12 Partner swing
B1 8 Long lines
8 R&L through
B2 8 Circle L ¾, pass through
8 New neighbor do si do 1 ¼ to new waves
PEDAL PUSHERS Bob Dalsemer dup imp
A1 8 Gents alle L 1 ½, scoop up partner
4, 4 Star promenade, butterfly whirl
A2 8 Ladies gypsy (do si do)
8 Partner swing, join hands in a ring
B1 4,4 Balance ring, pass through across, individually turn R
8 Single file promenade 3 places clockwise, ladies following neighbor
B2 4,12 Gents turn back; neighbor balance, swing
SARA'S JOURNEY Gene Hubert dup imp
A1 4,4 Neighbor balance, box the gnat, gents pull by L
8 Partner swing
A2 8 Circle L
8 Partner do si do
B1 4,4 Partner balance, box the gnat, ladies pull by L
8 Neighbor swing
B2 8 R&L through
8 Star L
POETRY IN MOTION Lisa Greenleaf dup imp
A1 8 Star R
8 Neighbor 1 alle R 1 ½
A2 8 N2 gypsy L
8 N1 swing
B1 8 Partner give and take to gents' side
8 Partner swing
B2 8 Ladies chain to N1
8 Star L
HEARTBEAT CONTRA Don Flaherty dup imp
A1 4,4 Balance ring, Petronella
4,4 Balance, Petronella
A2 4,12 Balance, neighbor swing
B1 8 Ladies alle R 1 ½ (gypsy)
8 Partner swing
B2 8 Circle L ¾
4,4 Balance, California twirl
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