Erik Hoffman listed several ways besides "Circle left 3/4" to
move the women, but not the me--or the men, but not the women--
across the set
* have the woman (person who changes side) allemande
* do a Balance the Ring, and have that person cross
* a give & take
* women chain
* and I'm sure there are other ways of getting someone to cross the
Some of those other ways (along with the four listed above) are
mentioned in the archived message I referenced earlier:
And here are a few more that I didn't list:
* From long wavy lines on the sides, dancers facing in walk
straight across the set and face out while those facing out
loop to the right and face in. As far as I know, this action
derived from the "box circulate" [or perhaps more accurately
from "split circulate"] of MWSD, was first used in a contra
by Steve Schnur in "The 24th of June".
* Down the hall four in line. End gent turn alone while the
other three do a right-hand-high/left-lady-under turn.
* Ladies or gents do a pair of 3/4 allemandes as in "Mary Cay's
Reel" or "The Country of Marriage." (However those two
particular dances also happen to include "Circle left 3/4".)
On Jun 5, 2013, at 2:08 PM, Erik Hoffman wrote:
> When considering moves think about what they do:
> A circle left 3/4 moves everyone to the right one spot. This means
> that one person ends on the side they started with, and the other
> crosses over. The vast majority of the time it's the man who ends
> up on the same side they started on, and the women ends up crossing
> over. With this in mind, if you want to modify a dance to create a
> bit more variation you could, instead:
* have the woman (person who changes side) allemande
* do a Balance the Ring, and have that person cross
* a give & take
* women chain
* and I'm sure there are other ways of getting someone to cross the
> one of these variants may work in the choreography of the dance.
> And, of course, you could just ask a bunch of people for dances that
> don't include the move, like those others have submitted and:
> "There is no way to Peace; Peace is the way"
> Becket
> Erik Hoffman
> A1 Women Do Si Do; Partner Swing
> A2 Men Allemande Left 1-1/2; Neighbor Swing
> B1 Long Lines Forward & Back; Women Right Elbow Turn 1-1/2
> B2 Women Star Promenade Partner 3/4 until two (new-Next Neighbor)
> Men meet
> Men link Left Elbows (women let go of the right elbow) to Star
> Promenade
> End on Own Side with a butterfly twirl to face that same Next
> Neighbor couple
> Note: the quote is a saying from A. J. Muste, our nations one time
> "most famous pacifist." It boggles my mind that, with our corporate
> media tied to the military-industrial complex, we could have ever
> had a famous pacifist. Then again, we had Martin Luther King, too...
> More Again
> Penn Fix
> Improper
> A1 (Current) Neighbor Do Si Do
> -- end in long waves, Neighbor in Right, Previous Neighbor
> in Left, Men facing out, Women in
> Balance the wave (4)
> Current Neighbor Allemande Right
> A2 Previous Neighbor Allemande Left; Current Neighbor Swing
> B1 Men Allemande Left 1-1/2; Partner Swing
> B2 Women Allemande Right, pull Partner to Center with Left,
> Men Pull By with Right, Current Neighbor Allemande Left 1-1/4
> to meet next Neighbor for the A1 DSD
> Curly Cues
> Erik Hoffman
> Improper
> A1 -- a "Wizard Walk like Move":
> 1s split the 2s to meet Next (future #2-Neighbors)
> With Future 2s Gypsy until the ones can cast up
> and around current 2s to original place, where the 1s
> cross to proper sides ending in a line of four with the 2s
> in the center
> A1 Down Hall 4 in line, fold line (momentary circle) 1s join
> hands, 2s open up for a line facing up the hall, now 1s
> in center. 2s hand cast the 1s to long lines
> B1 1s turn Contra Corners
> B2 1s Balance & Swing Partner
> My variation of Chorus Jig...
> ~erik hoffman
> Oakland, CA
> On 6/5/2013 12:53 PM, frannie wrote:
>> Circle L 3/4 & swing, Circle L 3/4 & pass thru, Circle L 3/4 &
>> balance the
>> wave, Circle L 3/4 & balance the ring all feel just a little
>> different.
>> And it's better than having a program with all gents allemande L 1.5!
>> I've had this problem before!
>> ~ frannie
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