Contra Callers January 2011
  • 35 participants
  • 26 discussions

Low Numbers
by Rickey
2 years, 3 months

Re: [Callers] Festival Applications
4 years, 10 months

Recruiting new dancers
by Luke Donev
13 years, 5 months

new or old?
by Bronwyn Woods
14 years, 1 month

Happy as a Warm Pig in Cold Mud
14 years, 1 month

Good grief, yet another cure
by Gary Shapiro
14 years, 1 month

Another Cure for the Claps
by Bob Green
14 years, 1 month

Re: [Callers] Developing a Culture of Inclusiveness. Was: Calling medleys
by Greg McKenzie
14 years, 1 month

Re: [Callers] Calling Medleys for the first time
by John W Gintell
14 years, 1 month

Developing a Culture of Inclusiveness. Was: Calling medleys
by Greg McKenzie
14 years, 1 month
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