Katy wrote:
My dance organization, Hands Four Dancers of Ithaca,
likes to offer a beginners' workshops before an evening dance. We are now discussing
whether or not to make this official policy for ALL events, including the day-long
Fiddlehead Frolic in April. The Frolic begins in the early afternoon and, in 2011, will
probably include a welcome contra dance with the featured band, then a couple of breakout
sessions (contras with a second band vs. music workshop w/featured band; ECD vs. squares),
then a contra medley; followed by potluck and an evening dance.
What are people's thoughts about the value of a
beginners' workshop at such an event?
I think the actual question is whether the intention of the event is to welcome
and integrate beginners, and if you intend to do that, then that needs to be
worked out with your staff. No beginner's workshop is actually going to get
anybody up to challenging-medly speed on contras, and even if it did they'd
still get hit with squares or English.
It's possible to do an event like this that integrates newcomers happily, but
it takes more than a workshop. If you intend to do it, then I think having
(and publicizing) a workshop signals to newcomers that its okay to come. If
you really want to have a day for already-experienced dancers, it would be
better not to send mixed signals.
-- Alan
Disclaimer: I speak only for myself, not SLAC or SSRL Phone: 650/926-3056
Paper mail to: SSRL -- SLAC BIN 99, 2575 Sand Hill Rd, Menlo Park CA 94025