Code's Compiling by Sam Whited (Duple becket)
A1. Neighbor dosido (8); Partner see saw (8)
A2. Shadow swing (16)
B1. Balance and petronella (8); Balance and petronella (8)
B2. Partner swing (8); Left diagonal: Right and left through (8)
Hi Sam,
Just a few suggestions.
Seesaw has multiple meanings; it could be a left shoulder dosido
(old MWSD definition), it could be a left shoulder gypsy (current MWSD
definition), it could be the men walking in a dosido path around a
stationary lady (see 37 seconds in at
Whereas dosido (which has countless spellings and more meanings) has
been standardised in the contra community, I don't believe seesaw has, so I
would always specify which one I mean.
When you say "Shadow swing" you haven't yet established who the
shadow is. I guess you mean the person beside you in the long lines, but it
depends on the dance; your shadow could be some distance away. Again, I
would suggest you specify who you mean.
Balance and Petronella: I guess you mean Balance the Ring and
Petronella. The original dance from which the Petronella move was taken
didn't have hands joined in a ring - see So unless you say it is a
ring/circle readers might assume you are using the original move and not
join hands. Again, it helps to make things clear if you use a few more
Hope that helps.
Happy dancing,
John Sweeney, Dancer, England john(a) 01233 625 362 for Dancing in Kent