Thanks Kalia for getting this discussion started. You and others
might be interested in going back into the Callers archives for a
couple of earlier discussions on mixers, one in March 2012 started by
David Millstone, I think, and one on waltz mixers in October 2010
started by Chrissy Fowler. It looks like there's some overlap between
now and the earlier discussions, but not a lot.
Here's a mixer I use fairly often that I don't think has come up
recently or in the earlier discussions. It's a reordering of one I
learned from the English caller John Turner when he was over here in
the mid-90's. (As he presented it, the promenade was the end of the sequence.)
A1 Partner balance and swing
A2 Promenade
B1 Ladies to the center and back (clap on count 4); gents the same,
end facing your partner around the ring (i.e., gents face CCW, ladies CW)
B2 Allemande Right partner (=#1) once and a half, Allemande Left the
next (=#2) once and a half to face the next (=#3, your new partner)
I always think of this as "John Turner's Mixer," but I wrote him some
years back to see if he had title and author information on it. He
calls it "Grand Chain Allemande" but couldn't remember where/when he
had collected it or who might have composed it. I wonder if John
Sweeney or any other English dance leaders who read [Callers] might
know something about it.
At 02:42 AM 9/28/2013, Martha Wild wrote:
I have a big circle mixer I really like, I'm not
sure who wrote it
or the name of it, perhaps if someone else recognizes it they can
help me out there. I just call it the Balance and Pass mixer so I
know what it is.