With apologies to all who are having deja vu feelings based on my
previous recommendations of this dance, how about yet another version
of Ellen's Green Jig? Can be danced improper, or if you ignore how
people choose to end the swing, without regard to gents/ladies roles.
A1: Dosido neighbor; circle left to original positions.
A2: Balance the ring; swing partners, end facing the other couple.
B1: Right-hand star; circle right to home position, keep hands joined.
B2: 2s arch, 1s take a peek ("duck for the oyster");
1s arch, 2s peek; 2s carry an arch up over 1s, who duck under and
through, take no more than 1 step and let the next no. 2 couple move
up to meet them (to prevent the whole set from drifting away from the
top of the set).
Variations of this dance have worked for just about every kind of
group I've encountered. You can probably craft a cool one of your
own...Hope you have great music; that can make almost anything you do
a terrific experience.
Chip Hedler