Jack, Rich, et al,
The way to make it flow is to balance left first, which is what the author
The first time I danced Daybreak Reel was to Michael's calling in
Brattleboro back in 1981. Starting balances on the left foot was the custom
in the Monadnock area of New Hampshire at the time. I wrote the dance down
and talked with Michael who said something to the effect that "we're
different from the rest of the country."
I'm curious if that's still the custom.
On 4/19/07, Jack Mitchell <jamitch3(a)mindspring.com> wrote:
Ok....the wave balance (with partner's left hand) into a swing seems
really awkward. I'm sure there's a way to make it flow, but I'm
missing it. Thoughts?
>A2: Men balance, dosido, allemand R 1-1/4 to form wave by joining L hands
>with partners
>B1: Balance wave, swing partners
>B2: Women chain 1/2 to R-hands across star position; turn star 1/2 and
>look for next neighbor