I can think of two out of print books where this dance or something terribly close
could be.
Holden, Rickey, Frank Kaltman, and Olga Kulbitsky. The Contra Dance Book. Newark, NJ:
American Squares, 1956; Lovendegem, Belgium: Anglo-American Dance Service, 1997.
A compilation of contras and progressive circle dances from available American literature
between 1850 and 1953.
Page, Ralph. An Elegant Collection of Contras and Squares. Denver, CO: The Lloyd Shaw
Foundation, 1984.
Over 60 of Page's favorite dances are described in great detail. Included are most of
the old "classic" contras as well as many of the contras and squares written by
"contemporary" composers between 1940 and 1980. All this and 53 good tunes as
George Lowrey, who died in the late 1980's or early 1990's, was well known dance
caller and U of Illinois faculty member. He may well have created such a dance
For now I would name this dance "I Wonder Who Wrote This"