One last observation about Chorus Jig, then I'll be quiet because I
certainly respect the fact that other people like this dance. However to
me it seems like all the arguments in its favor center around the fact that
it's so boring (oops-- I should think of a less judgmental word) that it
doesn't interfere with dancers who want to:
1: Listen to the music, and/or
2: Focus timing and technique, and/or
3: Play games with other dancers "outside" the dance.
And it's really old.
These are all things I value about contra, except for maybe the "old" part,
but they seem to me like strange reasons to consider this one of the best
dances ever.
One of the really good things about contra is there's something in it for
everyone. On the other hand hand, one of the challenges for a caller is
providing enough variety to accomodate all the different reasons the
dancers came. So I'll submit to an occasional Chorus Jig as long as I can
have some Three Thirty Three, some Delphiniums and Daisies, and some Manga
Tak enjoy.