Our gender role free dancers are open to it. It's awkward though, only because
it's rare. We've always managed once taught. It might be worth saving that dance
for near or after the break. The star into neighbor swing will be challenging too for the
new dancers; At least the band (gent) will be in the lead which would help the usually new
dancer in the bare arm (lady) role.
On Dec 9, 2011, at 7:39 AM, Luke Donforth <luke.donev(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hello All,
In the near future, I get to call for my first gender free dance. I'm
looking forward to it, and thinking about my program. I was contemplating
putting in Bands chains. The gents chain is a move that seems by and large
ignored in conventional contra dancing; the occasional dance I've seen
using it is usually greeted with grumbling. Are gender free dancers more
open to the move?
I was thinking of the following dance (where barearms are on the right
after a swing)
Neighbor Balance and Swing
Promenade Neighbor across and courtesy turn
Barearms chain across the set (pull by right)
Barearms do-si-do 1x
Partner swing
Bands chain across (pull by left, courtesy turned by neighbor)
Right Hand Star 1x
I've sent the question directly to the dance organizer, and I'm
cross-posting on facebook, but I also wanted to poll the folks here.
Luke Donforth
Luke.Donforth(a)gmail.com <Luke.Donev(a)gmail.com>
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