On 1/26/2013 4:40 PM, Grant Goodyear wrote:
Here's the dance I tend to pull out when I
desperately need a successful
dance to restore confidence:
Barbarella (Tom Thoreau)
A1. \(16) Bal ring / Petronella twirl (2x)
A2. \(16) Bal ring / Petronella twirl (2x)
B1. \(16) P bal & sw
B2. \( 8) Pass thru (across), CA twirl
.. \( 8) Cir lf 1/2, slide lf one cpl
Here's a similar dance with a neighbor swing instead of a partner swing.
Scott Miller & Jonathan Sivier
duple improper; beginner-intermediate
1-2 Petronella balance and twirl twice
3-4 Repeat
5-6 Balance the circle one more time and swing
7-8 Hey for 4, women start by passing right shoulders,
end facing original direction ready to balance
with a new couple
Jonathan Sivier
Caller of Contra, English and Early American Dances
jsivier AT illinois DOT edu
Dance Page:
Q: How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
A: It depends on what dance you call!