I don't travel a WHOLE lot - maybe 1 or 2 big trips a year and several long-distance
weekend dances (not weekends, but various dances held on the weekend). Forgetting the
fact that I love driving, especially into new and unfamiliar territory - one thing that
helps me keep the calling fresh and the spirits high is the fact that each dance I come to
is a new crowd. Meeting new people and giving these new halls of dancers the opportunity
to try these dances lifts my spirits. Getting plenty of sleep the evenings between gigs
is also very important - though that CAN be difficult because many of the beds I sleep in
are unfamiliar beds, or not all that comfortable, etc.
Having a night free where there is nothing to do or even a dance to go to where you are
not booked keeps things interesting. It's always good to be able to dance on calling
From: Kalia Kliban <kalia(a)sbcglobal.net>
To: Caller's discussion list <callers(a)sharedweight.net>
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 3:50 PM
Subject: [Callers] Question for traveling and/or busy callers
I've just finished a full summer camp season, with 4 week-long camps in
just under 8 weeks and some home-town gigs in between. I feel pretty
wrung out. I've also had seasons when I overbooked and had a big
concentration of local gigs (11 gigs and a weekend, plus a pile of
performance rehearsals, in 8 weeks) that left me similarly pooped. I've
carefully booked the upcoming season to leave myself more down time, and
it's helping a lot. No more than one gig a weekend, with occasion
My question is for the other callers who call a lot, especially if you
travel to do it. What sorts of things to you do to take care of
yourself when your schedule is really intense? How do you keep your
calling fresh, and your attitude good? Do you have any personal
routines that help you focus? Aside from the fact that what we're doing
is mountains of fun, it's also a lot of work and takes careful
concentration and preparation. There's a local square dance caller who
does something like 320 gigs a year. I need to ask him sometime how he
does it, but he's always moving too fast to engage in conversation.
Maybe this is one of those questions that falls too far toward the
"advanced" end of the discussion spectrum. I don't know. But it's one
I'd love to hear from other hard-working callers about.
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