In Oklahoma, Sandy Knudson has been active maintaining (and encouraging the rest of us
contra callers to help maintain) a Google spreadsheet of dances in the state (because our
org is statewide and many of our dancers travel to other cities for dances). It includes
location, caller, dance name, and choreographer. I agree with Kalia that it’s useful to
share with visiting callers, and it’s also handy for me to have a record of what I’ve
Carol Barry keeps a similar record for our Oklahoma City English dances, especially the
experienced-dancers series; although it isn’t currently online, I believe we’re working on
transitioning it to a Google spreadsheet, as well.
I also keep a personal record of my programs-as-danced when it’s a new-to-me or infrequent
venue/community, so that I have it for reference when I go back.