Hi Bob,
Thanks for your comments. I didn't think the
left hand stars would be that hard, because in
both cases they are "star till you see new
neighbors", but maybe in the zia context it could
get confusing.
In your word document you mention the shadow
phenomenon in the squares. In a Sicilian circle
the clockwise and anti-clockwise progressing
couples are separate groups. An similar thing will
happen in a zia with four squares (enclosed in a
box) connected by contra lines. Assuming the
progression out of the squares is to the right,
the #1 couple in the top left square will dance in
each square only once and will be traveling along
the connecting contra lines thru the zia in a
clockwise loop. All couples not in this loop will
dance along the connecting contra lines the other
way to then enter each square a total of 3 times
(with possible excursions along attached contra
branches), thus forming a much longer loop
progressing anti-clockwise.
In your first post you mentioned grid squares.
Does anyone have any references about these, or
related formations?
Cheers, Bill