At 8:20 AM -0700 10/3/13, Martha Wild wrote:
How about a dance that progresses backwards? Or has
instead of down-the-hall?
Here's a reverse progression duple improper. 1's and 2's have slightly
different parts, but I call it "equal" (star through vs. 1/2 figure-8):
Road to Somewhere - Eric Black - Duple Proper REVERSE PROGRESSION
A: 1's take "inside hands" [nearest to your neighbor], balance (4)
Star thru (4) [leaves 1's improper facing down]
Do-si-do neighbor [below] (8)
These 4 circle Left 3/4 (8)
Swing partner on side (8)
B: Circle Left 3/4 (6)
Pass thru up & dn (2) [1's are moving UP]
Swing new neighbor (8)
2's half-fig-8 above (8) [to proper]
Long lines forward & back (8)