Jeffrey Petrovitch wrote:
Also in the dance Money Musk there is a "lines of three forward and
back" and it really is not a "forward and back"; it is a "balance in
balance out", which is danced differently. What does this have to do
with discussion of less used figures; I think it is important to know
dance moves like contra corners, balance in and balance out and once
again the "little things" that have brought contra dancing to where it
is today. It is the history!!!
In a similar vein, I recently learned from Peter Rogers that in the English figure called
"forward a double and back," the double refers not to doing the move as a pair,
but rather taking two measures of music to move forward and two to move back back. Forward
a single and back would be equivalent (in timing) to a contra balance, forward a double
and back would be equivalent in timing (if not shape) to long lines forward and back.
Also, I have intuited that in the move "roll away with a half sashay," the half
sashay refers to the non-rolling individual stepping sideways into the original place of
the rolling individual. Can anyone confirm this?
Jerome Grisanti