Sometimes a dance looks good on paper, and it's difficult to know dance's
issues until you dance it.
I wonder if anyone has variations to Bob Isaacs' "Hinge Binge"?
I really like the hinging part of the dance, but ... in lark/gent/lefthand
role, I find my right arm is strained from having it up so much.
Here's the original:
A1: Larks Give and Take, Neighbor Swing
A2: Circle L 3/4, Partner Dosido to short wavy line, P in RH, larks in ctr
with LH
B1: Bal Wave, Hinge + Circulate (Partner Alle R 1/4, then box circulate
with Robins crossing set to new wave, larks, looping right to face back in
and join wave on the same side)
Bal Wave, Hinge + Advance (N1 Alle R 1/4, then walk forward to new
neighbors, make another wave)
B2: Bal Wave, Hinge + Circulate (N2 Alle R 1/4, Robins cross, larks loop
Partner Swing
So the Lark role is holding their arm up and providing weight:
A1: 8 beats for swing
A2: 6 beats during circle, continued from the swing
B1a: 4 beats for the balance, 2-3 beats for the allemande, and you don't
really have any time to move your arms down and let them rest before you
have to take hands in the next wave
B1b: 4 beats for the balance , another 2-3 beats for the allemande, again,
no real time to put your arms down.
B2a: 4 beats for the balance , another 2-3 beats for the allemande, and,
again, no real time to put your arms down before the swing.
B2b: 8 beats for swing
So the dance for the larks/gents is an 8 beat break, 14-16 beats of swing
-> circle, a 8 beat dosido where the last beat or two to raise your arms
for the wave, and then 32 beats continuously keeping right arms up.
Could give a longer rest in the A:
A1: Robins G+T, NS
A2: Robins Chain, Pass Thru to an Ocean wave w/P in right, robins in ctr.
This keeps the dance nearly intact, a bit harder since Pass-the-Ocean isn't
a glossary move, but affords 6-8 more beats of rest. Roles are swapped in
the waves, but it doesn't matter since you progress the same and wind up
with your partner.
We could lose the neighbor swing in the A1 and make it something like:
Larks Alle L 1.5x
A2. 3/4 Hey (NR, Robins L, PR, Larks L, NR, Robins L)
Partner Alle R 1/4 to short waves
... which preserves the B1-B2 of Hinge Binge more closely without the role
There's probably a way to move the partner swing to the A1 and remove the
neighbor swing.
Anyway. Curious if there's already dances out there.
In dance,
Julian Blechner