Here is a dance in which everyone gets to chain
(Copied from my web page. If does not format wll, use this link:
The Balter DanceTop <>
Becket Left Beg-IntMichael Fuerst May 2021
A1 Ladies chain to neighbor
Left hand star once around
A2 Gents chain to partner.
Right hand star once around.
B1 With neighbor, right hand balance pull by across.
Partners swing on side they started the dance, end facing across.
Long lines forward and roll away with 1/2 sashay.
(Gents slide right to ladies' place while lady roll in front of gent to
take gent's place)
Partner balance towards each other and away (4)
With ladies holding their place, gents roll from right side
to left side of partner, all finishing facing new neighbors (4).
(Partners' joined hands at end of roll can guide ladies into A1's chain.)
- Balter - to dance artlessly, without particular grace or skill, but
usually with enjoyment.
- Although neither expected nor intended, this dance is suitable for a
crowd with a high proportion of beginners, as one caller reported to me:
"I called a couple of your dances tonight. There were totally brand new
dancers in the mix--folks with not even other dance experience--so even
basic stuff required like 3 walk-thrus. We did Dave Found The Missing
Coffee Cup, and Balter Dance. Balter Dance was particularly well received
for its chains for both ladies and gents, which is rare, and works
beautifully with the alternating stars. One person commented that it was
great for helping new dancers, since you're in physical contact with either
a partner or neighbor almost all the time, so you don't get lost or wander
in the wrong direction."
So by accident, this dance was aptly named.
On Wed, Nov 27, 2024 at 12:28 AM Joseph Erhard-Hudson via Contra Callers <
contracallers(a)> wrote:
Hi all,
David Christian is a long-time dancer and stalwart event producer here in
Moscow, Idaho. If you've ever worked here he undoubtedly ran the sound for
your gig. He has been trying his hand at writing some contras. This one
struck me as fun when we workshopped it, and worthy of trying out at a
dance, but I'd like to hear your thoughts before I plunge ahead.
"Going Dutch" by David Christian
Becket CW
A1. Slice left
Right & Left Through
A2. Robins Chain to neighbor
Long Lines Forward & Back - *Robins roll left and Larks step right
on the way back*
B1. Larks right hand chain to partner
Larks allemande right 1x
B2. Partners Balance & Swing
small question: Do you suppose the position swap at the end of A2 would
work better with Larks roll right and Robins step left?
large question: what do you think of the dance overall?
Joseph Erhard-Hudson
Moscow, Idaho
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