Lisa Sieverts wrote:
"Thus, in a complex algorithm that defies explanation, I'll take a
dance for almost no money if I know the music will be great, or
someone is going to feed and house me nicely, or it's a beautiful
hall and a neat community dance that just needs a nudge to keep
going. Otherwise, I look for a $75 minimum."
Whoof! Around Los Angeles, at almost all of the dozen different contra
series, the caller's take is usually somewhere between $20 and $50, sometimes a
little higher or lower. Big venues are significantly higher, as they are in New
England. I'm curious how different this is for different parts of the country
(excluding large venues) -- I've noticed that when I call in Massachusetts, even
the small venues seem to generally offer substantially higher guarantees to
the caller than the small venues in southern CA.
Lisa adds:
"driving hundreds of miles for dozens of dollars"
I love that saying! I remember hearing Joseph Pimentel say it as "for tens of
dollars." I'll take the dozens.
Jeremy Korr