Ooh, I've actually been meaning to add Power Surge and Cure for the Claps
to my deck! Thank you to the collective hive mind of contra callers for
helping me solve problems I didn't even know I had!
*Becket in the Kitchen, by Becky Hill (becket, counterclockwise)*
*A1*: long lines f&b; ladies chain
*A2:* petronella; petronalla
*B1:* (same 4) left hand star 1x; swing *new* neighbor (has appeared beside
*B2:* men alle. L 1½; swing partner (orig. side)
*Salmonella Evening by Steve Zakon-Anderson (imp)*
*A1:* neighbor allemande R 1½; men allemande L 1½
*A2:* partner balance and swing
*B1:* petronella 2x
*B2:* petronella; balance and pass through
(note: when calling this dance, you must explain the title. The A section
comes from a dance that Steve wrote while calling with... some fish-themed
band, I don't remember, and it was called "Salmon 'Chanted Evening." And
course, when you talk the first half of "Salmon 'Chanted Evening" and add
"Petronella" you get...)
On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 4:02 AM, Kalia Kliban <kalia(a)sbcglobal.net> wrote:
On 1/25/2013 5:44 PM, Bob Isaacs wrote:
Here's a few:
Tic-a-Tic-a-Timing Becket-L / Dean Snipes
I've seen this title spelled at least 4 different ways. Anyone know which
one is right? And it's a great dance!
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