This certainly sounds as though it might be an English Country Dance.
Leah's Waltz by Fried Herman comes to mind
On Tue, Feb 4, 2025 at 7:47 AM Mo Waddington via Contra Callers <
contracallers(a)> wrote:
I can think of 2 dances in that formation that
aren't waltzes and
thumbing through CDM (Tony Parkes 1967 ed) finds more:
Silly threesome ( Community Dance Manual book5.16)
Rebecca's Roundabout (John Chapman)
Kielder Schottische (CDM book 3.4)
Russian Ballet (CDM bk 3.5)
Texas Rpogressive Threesome (CDM 5.17)
Nope, can't find one with waltzing
On 04/02/2025 08:35, None via Contra Callers wrote:
Hello callers,
Apologies for the non-contra question: I'm looking for a dance that a
musician remembers and would like called. He pictures trios facing
around a circle like spokes, waltzing somehow and the middle dancer
progressing to the next trio.
Please let me know if you have a dance that matches this description!
David Kreiss-Tomkins
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