On 9/2/2012 12:37 PM, Jack Mitchell wrote:
I would probably try to avoid multiple lines of 4 down
the hall, but LL
F&B can actually be a really nice "reset" for new dancers. "All
now" moves like that can go a long way towards helping a set pull itself
out of chaos.
I was noticing that last night, and that's a good distinction to draw
between the 2 figures. Also, oddly, the clap in the petronella of Tikka
Tikka Timing (or is it Tica Tica? I've seen it both ways) was a good
waypoint. I did mention that leaving the clap out gives you a better
opportunity to reform the ring before the balance, but the clap slowly
crept back in during the course of the dance, and as the clapping
increased, so did the energy level and the cohesiveness of the dance. I
had to admit that in this case it added to the dance rather than detracted.