Many thanks to all of you who offered helpful suggestions. I am now more
confident I can help these folks create some joy. I’ll also check in with
those recommended Facebook groups to see if there are other good ideas.
On Sat, Oct 7, 2023 at 9:37 PM Bree Kalb <breekalb(a)> wrote:
I've been asked if I will teach/lead a one hour
long 'contra dance' at a
day program for young adults with a variety of physical and cognitive
disabilities. (The staff probably would be happy for me to do more than one
session, but I'm not willing to commit to that. At Least not now.)
My usual repertoire for a wedding or party of non-dancers seems tricky for
many of the clients--especially those who are uncomfortable being touched.
I did a similar event about 10 years ago--at a different program-- and it
didn't seem many of them had a good time.
I'd like to figure out a way to make it fun for this group.
I have a couple of ideas and am looking for more. Have you ever led a
dance/music event with a similar population?
I'd appreciate any advice/suggestions.
Bree Kalb
Carrboro NC