OK all,
What determines if a program is varied? I originally thought that the
number of times a figure occurred in an evening was a pretty good clue, but
now ???????????? Here are dances that feel different, in programs that feel
varied, yet look at how many times some figures are repeated in an evening.
What is it?
What is variety in programming determined by? I find that I can include
many dances that have the same figures and still feel that I have a varied
program. Below are three of my recent programs and the number of times in
that evening that a given figure occurs. I arbitrarily started with the
idea that more than five occurrences of a figure in an evening might be a
problem. Obviously, I excluded swings and balance and swings. By accident
no Circle left ¾s were included. I have also not considered here where in
the dance the figure occurred. Despite several figures occurring very
frequently in an evening, the programs still felt very varied to me, and
some dancers expressed that as well.
What do you think?????????????
All programs had 14 dances in each. Some of the names are approximate. Most
dances were contras, a few were circles, a few were set dances.
Program 1 for Beginners Circles were in 9 dances, at least 1 do-si-do in
7, Stars or hands across in 7 dances. Program: Pride of the Dingle, Jolly
Roger, No Dos, Family Contra, Fiddle Hill Jig, Ease, Green Jig, Fancy French
mixer, Flutterbys, Midwest Folklore, Reading Reel, Yankee Reel, Handsome
Young Maids, Greenfield 2 hand
Program 2 for Beginners Balance the ring in 5, Circles in 8, Do-si-do in
8, Down the Hall 4-in-line in 6, Star or hands across in 10 dances.
Program: Cincinnati Reel, Haste to the Wedding, Family Contra, Annes Visit,
Fiddle Hill Jig, Belles of Auburn, Malden Reel, Handsome Young Maids,
Midwest Folklore, Bride and Groom, Road to Boston, St. Lawrence Jig, New
Friendship Reel, Ease
Program 3 for Intermediate dancers ladies chain in 12 of the 14 dances.
Program: The Baby Rose, Summer Sunshine, Dancing Bear, Betty Macs Reel, A
Rollin and A Tumblin, Slapping the Wood, Fishers Jig, Box-the Gnat
Contra, Weave the Line, Bens Brilliance, That Special Someone, 40 Mohr
Years, Flowers of April, Trip to Lambertville.
Rickey Holt,
Fremont, NH