I've come to the conclusion that in an effort to please and wow the
dancers the contra movement may at times change in ways I don't feel
comfortable with.
Several years ago I called with "the latest rage band". At one point
I asked the musicians to slow down. "No can do" was their reply.
Turns out they were doing this thang called looping. This country
boy ain't never heard of no loopin'.
How about warning me ahead of time?
My wife recently called to a band where, after several times through
the dance she asked them to slow down. "No can do" was their reply.
Turns out they were using a metronome to keep a steady beat. And
they have a drummer!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????
How about warning her ahead of time?
A couple of months ago I was doing sound for a band that has copied
"a couple of the latest rage bands" and they handed me a cord. "This
is our mix" they said. For years we've been balancing the volume of
the monitor mix independently from the house mix. Not that night.
So what if the guitar is louder than the fiddle.
In the future will the role of the caller (and sound dude) change for
the worse or the better or will it just be different? Maybe you've
had similar experiences.