Hello, all!Boy, am I ever glad to see this thread! I'm not the only one with this
dilemma.Thanks much for all the ideas and dances; they will be most helpful. The following
has been my efforts so far to deal with it. Polly
Triangle Mixer[3 couples in triangle formation -think square with 3 sides- one couple
designated #1, couple to their left is #2, next is #3. Gents retain "home"
space, ladies "visit" for a mixer.]A1 All 6, Circle Left, Circle RightA2
Corner dosido, partner allemande LeftB1 [couple 1 face couple 2] Ladies chain, [couple 2
to couple 3] ladies chain[hence-lady #1 chains around the triangle to her left, this puts
all ladies one place ccw to original partner, progressed position]B2 New partner balance
& swing[next time new lady #1 starts, 3x thru should put everyone with their original
Break: Dance as above for rank beginners; slightly more complex version, you can add part
2 as a break. With current partner, progression is ccw, as a couple, until everyone is
back in their original home place.
A1 Couples 1 & 2 Right & Left thru; couples 1 & 3 Right & Left thruA2
Couples 2 & 3 Right & Left thru; couples 2 & 1 right & left thruB1
Couples 3 & 1 Right & Left thru; couples 3 & 2 right & left thruB2
Partner balance &
Dance for Two Couplesset dance, mixer
A1 Balance the ring circle 1/2 (approx, doesn't matter really since there is no up
& down the set) Neighbor dosido.A2 R & L thru across Left hand starB1
Partner (left-handed maybe?) balance, and swingB2 Ladies chain (to new partner) pass
thru across and California twirl.
*Remember who your current partner