I'm not sure what you mean by a "Community Dance series." Are you talking
about called dances? Like squares or contras?
Note: The term "Community Dance" has at least 20 years of use, in the UK
and elsewhere, for a wide range of dance activities which, themselves, also
defy any clear definition. The term apparently means a form of
expressive/performance dance done by non-professional dancers under the
direction of a professional artist/director and funded by a non-profit or
government source.
You can find information on "community dance" at:, or at .
Personally, I am wary whenever I see the word "community" in any title for
any activity. It is one of those "feel good" terms that has value for
marketing but almost no value whatsoever for communication.
- Greg McKenzie
Santa Cruz, CA
On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 5:27 PM, Sue Robishaw <sue(a)> wrote:
I'm starting a new Community Dance series in our area with no recent
history of any trad dance. It will likely be nearly all beginners and
geared toward adults/teens. Thanks to this List I have a good collection of
ONS dances to choose from, but I'm having trouble deciding on the First
I'm thinking a non-partner dance that folks can be encouraged to join
as they arrive (before they sit down) with very little or no teaching. I've
considered Circles/F&Bs with variety of who goes in, probably with claps.
Or CL, F&B 2x, CR, start a promenade wave at a random spot, people coupling
up one after another till all are promenading (I'll be on the floor with
them). I'm concerned with the usual -- looking easy enough, looking
interesting, not embarrassing, getting them involved before they have a
chance to think much about it. I have no idea how many dancers I'll have.
Any suggestions or recommendations would be much appreciated.
Thanks, Sue
Sue Robishaw, U.P. of Michigan
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